Friday, September 12, 2014

Wednesday and Thursday Wrap-up

Is it just me, or did this week just fly by?

Wednesday we had an awesome time walking on a new trail.  It was beautiful

 My mom is a trooper.  She pushed the boys in the stroller pretty much the whole way.  It's a big double stroller with tiny wheels - definitely not designed for pushing for a couple miles on a (paved) trail.

We ended up at a bakery which had some great food.  I got this scramble with eggs, salmon, tomatoes, and bacon.  This was my second breakfast.

I also learned from my mom's friend there is a local Zumba class which is very inexpensive and right near my house!  Can't wait to start there!  

My big boy and I made these yummy No Bake Bars from Super Healthy Kids.  They took a loonng time to make since I only have a mini food processor - but they were a hit. :D


Thursdays workout as an "at home circuit" workout created by Julie from  I don't know if I'm a big wimp or if this was extra hard but I only completed this circuit once.  

at home circuit
Visit her blog for all the details

Dinner was one of those nights where nothing sounded good.  I must have walked around the store a million times looking for something to eat.  I decided on this Super Spinach Salad.  Question:  What are your go to to "meals" when NOTHING sounds good?  Mine usually end up being a smoothie or eggs and toast.  Something super easy.

It was yummy and filling.  

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

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